During 2020 and into 2021 people across the world have faced new challenges. This included Lifeshare as we had to make changes to our crisis support to keep clients safely engaged and provide them the support they need, whilst following all health and safety guidance. Lifeshare also launched the Manchester Digital Collective an initiative to build digital skills, distribute devices, and fight digital exclusion. These efforts were augmented by a monumental effort led by our amazing volunteers to keep our Weekend Breakfast Project running to provide vital food provision.


Lifeshare volunteer serving hot food during the Breakfast provision

We are so proud of all of our team’s efforts, but this week we wanted to specifically thank our amazing volunteers. Lifeshare’s Weekend Breakfast Project is run every weekend, largely by our amazing volunteers to make sure that those in need wake up to a nice hot breakfast. We serve fresh butties, tea, coffee, fruit, cereal bars and bottles of water. This service now operates from 7am to 9am, every Saturday and Sunday morning from Nexus Art Cafe but has changed locations several times during the last year due to closures and safety protocols. Our volunteers have been up bright and early each and every weekend, usually before the sun, to get food cooking and get it to those who need it most, no matter the location.

Through the efforts of our in-person Breakfast crew, our staff and trustee Breakfast coordinators, and through the generous donations of our supporters who were unable to be with us in person, Lifeshare has been able to serve over 5,500 hot breakfasts to vulnerable people in Manchester over the last 14 months. In addition to our hot meals, volunteers handed out wellbeing bags with water, breakfast bars, fruit, and essential toiletries and protective equipment like masks and sanitiser to help attendees throughout the rest of their day, and throughout the week.

Lifeshare volunteers are truly wonderful and they make a difference in the lives of Manchester’s vulnerable people. As the year goes on we hope to be able to see more of our volunteers safely and thank them in person for their dedication and support.